Brass Albums DatabaseTrumpet

Solve for X by Jamie Breiwick

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Jamie Breiwick, Trumpet
Label: B Side Recordings
Year: 2022

Jamie Breiwick, trumpet and flugelhorn
Jay Mollerskov, electronics
Nolan Breiwick, trumpet

Track List:
1. Unfolding 06:53
2. Remainder 04:57
3. Heaps 03:26
4. Strata 04:39
5. Summoning Moons 04:26
6. Traces of Things 04:29
7. For Norm 04:53
8. Reflect 04:09

Jeremy Smith

Jeremy E. Smith is the Founder and Editor of Last Row Music. He received music degrees from Grace College, Carnegie Mellon University, and The Ohio State University. Currently, Jeremy is the bass trombonist of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra and performs throughout Ohio, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Smith is a member of the International Trombone Association and the Jazz Journalists Association.