Looking to advertise on the #1 site for Brass Auditions?
Below is some information plus options for advertising on Last Row Music.
Last Row Music Stats
As of June 2022, this site attracts:
51,000+ page views per month
11,000+ visitors a month
Each audition page is within the top three results of Google searches.
4,800+ social media followers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)
1,600+ subscribers to The Brass Digest weekly newsletter
This banner will be seen on every post/page in the right sidebar.
This banner is placed in the top-right header or throughout the web pages.
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Contact Us To Purchase Ad Space
- Depending on your selection, advertisement(s) will run for 3 months or one year and will be placed at the top of the sidebar or posts/pages respectively.
- Payment must be received within 10 days of booking to guarantee your space. If paying for recurring advertisements, payment must be received 10 days before the ad period expires. An email will go out within 10 days notifying you of your advertisement expiration.
- Advertisers must specify one URL link per image/artwork that will be referenced in a new window by clicking on the advertising banner.
- Please submit artwork in sizes 1080 x 1080 pixels (for the 350 x 250 space) or 1456 x 180 pixels (for the 728 x 90 space). This will allow us to share the images through our social media pages.
- The editor is able to customize the design if needed.
- Banners may only be supplied in JPG, or PNG file formats.
- The Editor must approve advertisements for usage. Last Row Music reserves the
right to reject an advertisement. - Please send advertisements, URLs, and specifications to this email address.
If you have any questions, contact us.
Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to working with you.
Jeremy E. Smith