Guest PostsMusingsTrombone

Day 1002 – Beyond


When I started this journey almost three years ago, I wasn’t completely sure where it would take me. I knew I would improve as a player, but looking back, it is amazing to read the posts and remember the moments along the way. It is easy to remember the experiences I wrote about and the epiphanies I had, but it’s quite difficult to remember what it was like before those moments. I have grown so much, it is hard to go back and remember what it felt like before knowing what I know now. True breakthroughs have a permanence that is remarkable. It is difficult to remember what it was like before. … (click here for the complete article on

This was originally published on May 7, 2020, on Jason Sulliman’s personal website.

Jason Sulliman

Dr. Jason Sulliman is the assistant professor of trombone at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. He teaches applied trombone lessons, brass methods, and coaches various trombone ensembles. Jason earned his doctorate in brass pedagogy from Indiana University and is finishing a master’s degree in kinesiology - motor learning/control. Jason has earned master’s degrees in conducting and trombone performance from the University of New Mexico and a bachelor’s degree in music from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.