Guest PostsMusingsTrombone

Day 665 – Clarifying my Needs

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After averaging 3 hours of practice each day for (coming up on) eight months now, I feel like I have made great progress not only in playing, but also clarifying what I need to do to improve. In some ways, I feel like the amount one practices are only important if one is focusing on the most productive directions. Otherwise, some of the time is wasted. I have learned to appreciate the intense amount of sacrifice I (and my family) are investing in order to practice three hours every single day. If for no other reason than to honor that sacrifice, I need to make sure that my efficiency is second to … (click here for the complete article on

This was originally published on June 4, 2019, on Jason Sulliman’s personal website.

Jason Sulliman

Dr. Jason Sulliman is the assistant professor of trombone at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. He teaches applied trombone lessons, brass methods, and coaches various trombone ensembles. Jason earned his doctorate in brass pedagogy from Indiana University and is finishing a master’s degree in kinesiology - motor learning/control. Jason has earned master’s degrees in conducting and trombone performance from the University of New Mexico and a bachelor’s degree in music from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.