Guest PostsMusingsTrombone

Day 877 – Lips are Not the Same as Chops

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Happy New Year y’all! I’m excited to report that the thousand-day challenge is alive and well. I practiced every single day in 2018 and again in 2019. My New Year’s resolution is to play every day in 2020. At this point, I am absolutely convinced of a few things. First, there are some physical mechanisms that for some people, require a complete re-boot. A complete re-training of the physical habits as they stand with a player in order to make it to the next level. This kind of stuff is tedious. Many who attempt it end up lost in the middle somewhere. They give up and feel convinced that it made … (click here for the complete article on

This was originally published on January 2, 2020, on Jason Sulliman’s personal website.

Jason Sulliman

Dr. Jason Sulliman is the assistant professor of trombone at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. He teaches applied trombone lessons, brass methods, and coaches various trombone ensembles. Jason earned his doctorate in brass pedagogy from Indiana University and is finishing a master’s degree in kinesiology - motor learning/control. Jason has earned master’s degrees in conducting and trombone performance from the University of New Mexico and a bachelor’s degree in music from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.