Brass Albums DatabaseTrumpet Gillespiana by Dizzy Gillespie February 6, 2022 Jeremy Smith 3304 Views Brass Albums Database, clark terry, Dizzy Gillespie, Gillespiana, jazz, jazz trumpet, Julius Watkins, Trumpet, Urbie Green
French Horn New Jazz French Horn Project Pays Tribute to Julius Watkins November 17, 2021 Jeremy Smith 2673 Views Horn, jazz french horn, Jazz French Horn Project, Julius Rides Again, Julius Watkins
Brass Albums DatabaseFrench Horn Julius Watkins Sextet, Vol.1 & 2 by Julius Watkins June 14, 2020 Jeremy Smith 3586 Views Horn, jazz, jazz french horn, Julius Watkins, Julius Watkins Sextet
Brass Albums DatabaseFrench Horn The Jazz Modes by Julius Watkins June 14, 2020 Jeremy Smith 3524 Views french horn, jazz, jazz french horn, Julius Watkins, The Jazz Modes