Tuesdays on the Tube

Tuesdays on the Tube: Dan Nesbitt and Bach

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Nowadays, people are catching on to how easy it is to record through overdubbing. In the trombone world, Jim Nova of the Pittsburgh Symphony has taken it to the extreme (in a good way!) with his recordings and arrangements of John Williams music (my favorite track still is his rendition of the Green Hornet).

Here is another twist to overdubbing that Dan Nesbitt, a former classmate from my Carnegie Mellon days, did a few years ago. The fact that he was able to record this with an iPhone 5S is remarkable, in addition to his own excellent playing and writing. Enjoy some Vivaldi by Bach performed by “six” trumpets.

Jeremy Smith

Jeremy E. Smith is the Founder and Editor of Last Row Music. He received music degrees from Grace College, Carnegie Mellon University, and The Ohio State University. Currently, Jeremy is the bass trombonist of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra and performs throughout Ohio, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Smith is a member of the International Trombone Association and the Jazz Journalists Association.