In MemoriamJazzTrumpet

Pioneering Jazz Trumpeter Dies at 78

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Jazz trumpeter and educator Eddie Gale, known as “San Jose’s Ambassador of Jazz” died on July 10, 2020, at the age of 78. Gale was known for his work as a player in Sun Ra’s “Arkestra” and appeared on many Blue Note Records albums. Two of his solo albums, Ghetto Music and Black Rhythm Happening, also appear in the Blue Note catalog and are considered to be pivotal recordings from the late 1960s. –

This article was originally published on on July 13, 2020.

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Jeremy Smith

Jeremy E. Smith is the Founder and Editor of Last Row Music. He received music degrees from Grace College, Carnegie Mellon University, and The Ohio State University. Currently, Jeremy is the bass trombonist of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra and performs throughout Ohio, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Smith is a member of the International Trombone Association and the Jazz Journalists Association.